[Neo smartpen][User tips]Lock Used Notebooks in NoteBox

Written by eddie


December 8, 2015

Hello, this is Ashley Ahn from Neo smartpen.

Have you ever wondered how to safely store your notes? With the NoteBox feature, you can easily prevent stroke overlap.

Here’s an example:

 Let’s say you bought three N notebooks. You start to write in the first one.

After a few days, you finished every page of the notebookNow it’s time to use the second N notebook. But when you start to write on it, you realize that your pen strokes are overlapped with those from the first notebook. Oops! 🙁


This situation happens because there are same N code printed on same types of N notebooks.

In order to prevent messing up your original notes, you can use the NoteBox feature. Here’s how:

This is an used notebook. If you tap the notebook icon for one or two seconds you can select the notebook.

A menu bar will appear at the top. Please select “Lock.”

To find your used notebook, simply tap “NoteBox” in the main menu bar.

There, you will be able to find the used notebook housed in the NoteBox.

After locking the used notebook in the NoteBox, you can use the second notebook, on which the exact same Ncodes are printed.

If you want to keep writing on the notebook you previously locked, you can take the notebook out of the NoteBox and keep writing on it.

Again, long-tap the notebook you want to use, and tap “Activate” in the bottom menu bar.

Select “Activate” again when the pop-up appears.

Your used notebook, once housed in NoteBox, is now back to the ‘Notebooks‘ zone where you can continue writing on it.

Now, you know how to store your used notes safely! 🙂

If you have any questions regarding the NoteBox feature, please feel free to ask>> support@neolab.net

Written by Ashley Ahn

 Tags related post: N notebooks, Neo smartpen N2, Smart pen, digital pen

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